excerpt from my website "About David",
people are my favorite subjects. At one point while in San Francisco, i met author Mark Abramson. I was on the Divisadero Bus headed towards Market & Castro streets. I had just come from an appointment with the ENT. There he was...looking over at me. He made me feel rather special just to be on the bus on that cool sunny day. I knew there was something really interesting about him and i wanted to know or photograph him. Turns out he's a writer and a great storyteller. I ended up doing his author photos on about 5 of his books and one cover photo. The time i spent with him in the studio was exuberant! --dkb oct 13, 2023
]]>My photographs here on this website are a few of the photos i have taken throughout my life. There are a lot more! Just google me (be sure to include my middle initial davidKbruner). Or Twitter, MeWe or FaceBook a book cover here n there. I am not really ashamed of any of the photos i have taken in my life! They are a positive reflection of myself & the interesting way i see people & life itself. Even the mess-ups or mistakes were learning pieces for me. There are also the nudes i've taken although there are not really that many. Years ago i had an art teacher tell me "if you want to know the human form David, you have to look at the human form". People do have penises, breasts, and butt cracks. There is nothing weird to the way i see something unique where most people do not. Nothing against most people. To me, there is a beauty in found objects & old dilapidated buildings. An old bus stop bench in Los Angeles, or a boat made out of crumbling plaster from a wall. All the odd people i see as beautiful or appealing to where most people may not look twice at. Don't be blinded by one particular style. "Peaceful travels!"--dkb (edited version)
Photo: a bench in L.A. 1995 Vericolor film
Photo: Dan Baucco @ Brand_X Indianapolis 1991 Ilford Film
Photo: Hangin On The Telephone 2012 Market St. San Francisco Digital retouched image
Photo: Fashion style image featuring Eduardo San Francisco 2014 color retouched digital image
Sample photos above, model: Adam film: Kodak Plus-x film
]]>This is part of a series of i did of model Scott Tatt. This is the back of a building i had a studio in around 1996. I loved that studio, especially the building. It was great for a studio of any kind. Scott was a great model for all types of photography. Print, advertising, creative, nude. These photos were shot on Kodak Plus-x film. Hand processed with care by myself.
The remainder of this series can be viewed in the People, Places+Other Images gallery on this website. Some more revealing photos of Scott can be viewed in the Nudes and Early Work+Film galleries of this website. --dkb Nov. 15, 2018
GO to Early Works/ Film section to entire series >
Over the years of my life i have used and experimented with 8mm movie film, video, 35mm b+w (some med. format) and color film. Then around 1999 i started using digital. By 2002 i was seriously doing digital photography at Palace Lofts in Long Beach, Calif. Now, i only use film when it is requested or for something special for myself. I tend to style photographs from start to finish doing my own editing, retouching & air brushing. My computer work started around 1987 as graphic artist on an Apple Macintosh. I am now going through & scanning hundreds of 35mm negatives from the 1980's & 1990's that i have kept away in a crate. I will be introducing "images from film", mostly black & white & some color over the next few months. Most of these images from film have never been seen or didn't make it past a contact sheet. Fashion & modeling related, a touch of sci-fi, experimental & some slightly bizarre. Please look for images from film in the "Early Works & Film" ( www.davidkbruner.com/earlywork ) section on this web-site! Thank-you and leave a comment, i like feedback. E-mail me & ask about a free t-shirt. --dkb
Follow me on FaceBook @Studio dkb.
Photos: scanned image from film Model: Grace Blanchard /digital b+w Model: James Jones /digital color Model: Maggie
"because we haven't gotten enough Exposure:" --dkb
hacer clic / 点击 /click > http://www.davidkbruner.com/p683888081
]]>This October--High contrast digital black & white series of photographs! I have spent about the last 8-10 months photographing & creating this series. Searching through digital proofs, editing, hand retouching & some sketching, here at Studio dKb. Remember, they are coming this October to this web-site, Studio dKb and some other galaxy oops sorry I mean...gallery some where in San Francisco. Check back for more information on this exhibit. --dKb aug 2016
this exhibit PG-13
graphic design: © david k bruner
photo: © 1993 David K Bruner - scanned print from Vericolor film
Prêtáporter? While working for an agency in Chicago i was told to do something different outside on location with this girl. She had red hair & was to wear this dark green velvet dress. Thinking they wanted me to do some wide angle stuff over by the Sears Tower...or something like that. I thought hmmm, different? Remembering this alley with a very colorful dumpster in it. The stylist, the model & I proceeded. After finding a place to stand in this smelly Chicago alley using this dumpster as a prop. This is what we came up with!--dKb
]]>Hand print on ilford paper © 1994 david k bruner
posted Thursday 2016 by David K Bruner San Francisco
]]>David and Dennis
Studio dKb
To save photos to your phone, download the free Photo Moments app for iOS orAndroid then click here to view the gallery.
AIDS Ribbon w/ a twist. Original graphic design- for all my friends who have died & all the friends and acquaintances that are still here suffering--dKb
Read some strange news about this building, The Bristol Hotel San Francisco-The vibrations are so bad in Room 315 at the Hotel Bristol in the Tenderloin that Daniel Sepeda thinks it's time to bring in the holy water. "I should sprinkle some around and say some prayers," he said. "There are weird spirits here. It gives me the creeps." Sepeda and his roommate, James Bowton, attribute those creeps to Room 315's former tenant, Richard Ramirez. Ramirez is the man police say is the "Night Stalker," a cold-blooded serial killer who murdered people while they lay sleeping and then scrawled satanic symbols on their walls. Ramirez stayed at the Bristol several times during the past two years, according to manager Alex Melnikov. "The people we get here I would call third-class types," Melnikov said. "About 70 percent are on dope. I don't ask a lot of questions." Melnikov said Ramirez left behind a mysterious odor in the room. "It smelled like skunk," said one resident who declined to give her name. "The cleaning man sprayed like hell, but it wouldn't go away." A five-pointed star, a pentagram, associated with devil worship, was found drawn on the bathroom door of 315. Police, who searched the room, took the door with them.--JM
photo assistant Dennis M Daniel
Thanks for your interest in supporting the arts!
Sincerely, Dennis M Daniel
David K Bruner
Everyone is Dirty: What ever happened to Lee Malone?
by David K Bruner San Francisco May 2014
You could say it's been established that the Bay area's own music band Everyone is Dirty, is a Bay Area gem. Well before being one of KQED's top 10 bands of the bay, they formed in Oakland California. They recently obtained some well deserved studio time sponsored by Converse new music project. They play San Francisco clubs as well as other bay area clubs often. They are smart fresh, energetic & unique. From the rough jumping sway of the violin to the riveting sounds of the guitar they definitely have created a sound all their own. On another note, they look good! Tony, Tyler, Christopher & Sivan Gur-Arieh. The band has a natural, grungy look but most of all, they look comfortable together. Youthful yet some what sure of themselves, especially when it comes to their art. Sivan is an old soul with gorgeous eyes & an original look. -dKb
"i was just a child didn't know what i was doing"
iN San Francisco photo by David K Bruner.com
Another colorful scene on a gorgeous Friday in the city of San Francisco. I love taking photosof everyday life around town. Every photo i take says something different about San Francisco and the people that live & work here.--dKb